Wednesday, December 5, 2012


capitalism-an economic system and political in which investment in and ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of wealth is made and maintained chiefly by private individuals or corporations, especially as contrasted to cooperatively or state-owned means of wealth.

communism-a theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state. classless-

free enterprise-an economic and political doctrine holding that a capitalist economy can regulate itself in a freely competitive market through the relationship of supply and demand with a minimum of governmental intervention and regulation.

free market-an economic system in which prices and wages are determined by unrestricted competition between businesses, without government regulation or fear of monopolies.  today in class we looked up these words and we had to find the definitions and then we talked about each one.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


today in class we told everybody who missed last class exactly what we did. then we watched some of the video that we started last class. the guy in the movie makes a car called Lifan.

Monday, December 3, 2012


Today in class we got back our essays about the countries that we chose and the relationship with the US. Once we got done looking at that we then watched the rest of our video and we began the third one. The third one started off talking about how one of the people have a professional job which is too build a tunnel by using dynamites. Him and his son works there which they get paid $14 an hour compared to everyone else who only gets paid like $2 a day. Then we would stop the video everyone once in a while and chat about it.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


today in class we continued watching the video and i found it crazy but smart that America would move their big companies over to China so that they dont pay to much for the labor being done. While Americans get paid at last $7 an hour, the chinese people will only do it for $2 a day. Then they take a lot of the products to Walmart to sell which is sold cheaply like the slogan for walmart. A ton of people are trying to change that.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


today in class you were messing with the shadow "Logan" a lot and kept scaring her and it was really funny because she didnt know what to do. Then you told her to get the class quiet and she just looked around like what are you talking about? Then you said that you two were going to get together at night and grade our papers. And she thought that you were really wierd. Afterthat we went over what our homework assignment was gonna be about which you said that we had too choose 2 world leaders and write a 500 word essay on how they interact together which everyone was saying how hard it was gonna be and all that. So that was our class today.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


- Afghanistan achieved independents on August,1 1919 from the United Kingdom.
- Before they had there independents they where controlled by the United Kingdom.
- They were subjects of another country the UK.
- On a map they are in southern Asia next to Pakistan.

- Brazil achieved there independents on September 7 1822 from Portugal.
- It was Portugal cause they controlled it.
- Yes they where to Portugal up till 1822.
- Eastern South America bordering the Atlantic ocean.

- France has no official date of independence.
- They where not controlled by any other country.
- The first people in the country now know as France where the Frankis tribes.
-declared it independence in the 1800's
 -under the control of France one under the US
- Europe

-Declared independence in 1811
-Under control of Gran Colombia
- It is found in South America

-In 1810 they declared independence
-Controlled  by Spain
-Located in North America

United Kingdom
-They have no independence day
- It is found in Europe
Saudi Arabia
-No independence
-It is found in Asia

Monday, November 12, 2012


today in class we went over the test and we came in second for top scores in classes this time and I did pretty bad on it which made me disappointed. Then SINCE IT WAS SHORT THAT TOOK up a bunch of time so then we started talking about the japan and american war and all the bombs. Next we were talking about how we were arguing with our neighbor country, Cuba. After that we were saying how Russia and Us kept trying to make more bombs then the other which seemed never ending. Therefore that was our monday for you.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Today in class we talked quite a bit on the topic last night of the election and how Romneys supporters didnt do anything in anger about the outcome og the election. Next we kept talking about the World Leaders and I said that the Afghanistanian leader can speak with English speaking countries which isnt very good for us. Also Matt said something about another Movie and they didnt even know if it was a cartoon or made up country or anything. Next you and Dan started talking about the Electoral vote and popular vote and I didnt understand one thing of any of that. Therefore today wasnt that interesting of a day and we didnt do much at all. Obama was the first black president to be in service. Barack Hussein Obama is named after his father, Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. (1936-1982). “Barack” means “blessing/blessed/to bless” in Swahili and Semitic languages, and “Hussein” is a Semitic word meaning “good” or “beautiful.” Swahili was Obama Sr.’s native language


Today in class I had another shadow of course and we were going over all of the world leaders in class. Then I had picked a really hard name to pronounce and you made me keep saying the name. Then I had to go to the bathroom so you made my shadow say the name before I could go which didnt take that long. So you finally let me got to the bathroom which made me really happy. So then later I was reading about what his favorite class was and he said that it was humangeo and I was surpised. Therefore our class must have been pretty great.

Monday, November 5, 2012


Mexico - President Enrique Peña Nieto
     - He believes that Mexico needs to expand its economy to create more jobs
    - From the Institutional Revolutionary Party

China - President Hu Jintao

     - He refuses to pressure trading parteners
     - Because of Jintao, China expanded its influences over seas in resource rich developing nations

India - President Pranab Mukherjee 

     - Promises to “protect, defend and preserve” the Indian Constitution
     - Hes the only finance minister to have presented budgets in the pre and post liberalization time periods 

Afghanistan - President Hamid Karzai
     - He was originally a supporter of the Taliban before the death of his father, after the death he campaigned for an anti-Taliban movement
     - He can communicate effectively with English speaking countries

Iran - President Mahmoud Ahmadi-Nejad
     -  He is the main political leader of the Alliance of Builders of Islamic Iran, a coalition of conservative political groups in the country
      - Activist for women's rights

Israel - President Shimon Peres
     - He is a recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize
     - He entered politics after his brother was killed when leading the 1976 mission to rescue of hijacked Israel hostages          
        from Uganda

Germany - Chancellor Angela Merkel
     - In 1990 she joined the Christian Democratic Union political party
    - She was appointed to Helmut Kohl's cabinet as minister for women and youth

United Kingdom - Prime Minister David Cameron
     - He was the head of Britain's Conservative party
     - His mother is Mary Fleur, a retired Justice of the Peace

France - President François Hollande
    - He is a member of the Socialist Party
     - He got a a National Assembly seat in 1988

Brazil - President Dilma Rousseff
     - She is not only the first female president of Brazil, but also the first woman to become Chief of Staff to     
       the President of Brazil
     - She is the first economist to hold office

Venezuela - President Hugo Chavez Frias
     - He sold oil to Cuba
     - He resisted efforts to stop narcotic trafficking in Columbia

Saudi Arabia - King and Prime Minister Abdallah bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud
     -  He was the mayor of Mecca as a young man
     - He disallowed U.S. Iraq War forces to use bases in Saudi Arabia

Post #6 English

The title of the book is Rangers Apprentice
The author of the book is John Flanagan
I started this book in the middle of August and finished last weekend
I read 300 pages
The rate that I will give this book is about a 9
I gave this book the rate 9 because I found it really interesting and my brother told me that I should check it out.  This is what caught me the most into reading this book. Will is an orphan in Castle Redmont.  At age 15, the orphans are expected to either become an apprentice of one of the many masters or go off to work in the fields. I thought that that was interesting that they had to choose their job. That got me guessing as to what Will would pick as his job and as I read on who chooses to be a ranger which I thought was the correct decision for him. Some of his friends picked the other jobs and one ended up becoming a cook ad while reading all of this it was interesting to see how many different jobs there were to choose from. As of right now I am really enjoying this book and I knew that there was no way that I could stop so I had to speed up to finish on time.  So then I read on and I find out that a few of friends join to be rangers also and they have to missions and everything for the job as a ranger. Then he started getting into the secretive stuff which kept me in a whole lot of suspense and I really liked the way that the author did that. The book was about getting higher ranks which Will and his friends are going to do a competition out of this which will make them do even better at practices which really worked. And I can relate to this because I do the same thing with soccer. This book is by far one of the best books that I have ever read and I can’t wait till I get to read the other books to the sequel. The only thing that I didn’t like was that they couldn’t fit the whole story into one book so now I need to start a whole other book which is fine with me. Therefore that is why I gave this book the high rate of a nine out of ten.

world leaders

United States

Constitution-based federal republic

President Barack Obama


Federal Republic

President Enrique Pena Nieto


Communist State

President Hu Jintao


Federal Republic

President Pranab Mukherjee


Islamic Republic

President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Hamid Karzai


Theocratic Republic

President Mahmoud Ahmadi-Nejad


Prime Minister


Parliamentary Democracy

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu

President Shimon Peres


Federal Republic

Chancellor Angela Merkel


Prime Minister

United Kingdom

Prime Minister David Cameron



President François Hollande


Federal Republic

President Dilma Rousseff


Federal Republic

President Hugo Chavez Frias

Saudi Arabia


King and Prime Minister Abdallah bin Abd al-Aziz Al

Monday, October 15, 2012

worst week day of the week

   Today we went over a power point which was about ethnicities which you brought up a point about how people used to fight over the way peoples ears were shaped which angered some people. But then we got to the point and started talking about two different ethnic groups called the Hutus and the Tutsis . The Hutus are dominant in one and they persecute the Tutsis. The Tutsis are dominant in the other- they prosecute the Hutus. This had led to almost constant war between the groups. A religion can be both a unifying and disunifying force. Then we talked about religion and all that then we were about done.


  Islam was founded in the early 600's and it was formed as a monotheistic religion. Islams do have have a holy book and its called the Islamic Holy. The religion of Islam was recently recorded as having 53 million followers. The central figure of the religion Islam is Muhammad which is the person that preached about Islam and their beliefs. The largest population of the Islamic religion lives in the United Kingdom. Therefore Islam is one of the largest leading religions in the world.

  Christianity was founded in the early 1st century and is formed as a monotheistic religion. The holy book of the religion of Christianity is The Bible. The religion of Christianity has a population of 2 billion followers from a recent count. The central figure of the Christian religion is Jesus which came to the land to tell us what God wanted him too. The largest population of the Christian religion is the United States. Therefore Christianity is the largest leading religion with the most amount of followers.

  Judaism was founded around 2,000 B.C. and was formed as a monotheistic religion. The holy book for the Jewish religion is called the Torah. The religion of Judaism has over 14.5 million followers. The Judaisms central figure are Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and they went around to talk about the beliefs of the religion. The highest population of Jews is in the country of Israel. Therefore Judaism is one of the most populated religions in the world.

  Buddhism was founded in 460 B.C. and was formed as a polytheistic religion. The religion does not have a holy book. As of recent discovery the religion of the Buddhist has approximately 300 million followers. The central figure of the Buddhism religion is Siddhartha Guatama the Buddha who preaches about the beliefs. Most of the population is in the country of Asia which is supported a lot from the religion. Therefore its one of the largest religions in the world.

  Hinduism was founded between 1500 to 500 B.C. and was formed as a monotheistic religion. The religion does not have a holy book. As of the time it was last recorded this religion has 950 million followers. The Hindus central figure is Krishna because he went around preaching about this religion all over the world. The highest population of Hindus are from the country of India. Therefore that makes Hinduism one of the largest religions in the

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Today in class we went on and presented all of our groups presentations and the Vikings went first. Then the Native Americans and i'm pretty sure everyone understood that they arrived in America 12000 to 17000 years ago which they added that to almost every single one of there presentations. Next my group went and Evan and Matt wouldnt stop talking while you were so I threw something from my pocket at them. Which was really funny. I believe that our presentation was the best...

Sunday, October 7, 2012

test on friday

Today in class we took a test which should have been really easy which it wasn't that easy to me because I  wasn't taking my notes correctly and forgot to study. If I would have put my notes in my blog like you told us to then it would be way easier so I will be sure to do that the next time we have a test because everyone should have gotten a 100% on that test. It was still pretty easy even though i didn't do things correctly like I needed

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Today in class we were still working on the computer thing and putting up sources. Then you were telling us that we needed to get rid of some of the less important sources and also talk about the ones that were the best in our mind. Next we went on panthers page to help save Sudanese kids which we thought it would be awesome to get panther to come to our school and talk to us about his idea and his past and what he thought of everything that happened when he was in Sudan. Therefore todays class was mainly talking about the best things we could do to help the kids in Sudan and

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Today in class we were on our computers trying to find out sources that we could use to help out the little children and adults in Sudan. Then you set up something that we can all type on and it didnt work out because almost everyone was being immature and doing stuff that we shouldnt and then you told us that John Bou Dau got back to you but I forgot what you told us he said... Then we re did the thing on the computer and we did it way better that time then we did the first time. Finally we left because the bell rang which really

Monday, October 1, 2012


Today in class we watched the rest of the movie called God Grew Tired of Us. Then we saw how each and every one of the three people we followed did. Panther gets married and opens a school in Sudan and gets his bachelor’s degree, Then John tries to support all the Sudanese people by telling our government and forms a medical clinic in Sudan, and then we find out that Daniel can’t find any family and is in school right now. I thought that the movie was very cool and I believe that our school or just the freshman class should do something to help all the Sudanese people recover from what they have gone through. Also I think that we should send water bottles and canned food to the Sudanese kids to help gain some weight. I thought the movie was very sad and depressing and someone should make a change. Next I think we should get John Bou Dah to come to our school so he can talk to us about his experiences. Therefore I think we should be the ones to make a change and show that anyone can make a change.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

blog post # 4

The Time I Broke My arm


   I was in Florida for a soccer tournament and I got there before anyone else on my team. The night before my first game we went to this place called Old Towne and we road on the worlds tallest sky coaster and it was amazing. Which we did it several more times after that. But after we got off of the sky coaster we then walked by this mechanic bull thing that people can ride and there is padding all around it in case you fall off. Then I asked if I could try it and my parents let me and we had to sign a waver saying we won’t sue if we get injured or anything. So we did it anyways and I was doing pretty good but then at the end they sped it up and I flew off and stuff my arm out to block me from hitting hard because I forgot it was cushioned. Next thing I know I heard a really loud crack and a pop and I had trouble getting up and moving my arm. So I worked my way away from the bull holding my arm. It was hurting really bad so I didn’t do anything for the rest of the time there. Later that night I told my mom that I needed to go to the hospital and they told me that I couldn’t play soccer the next day and I needed a hard cast and had to come back and get it the following Monday. Instead of getting the hard cast we got some kind of arm thing so I could still play soccer. The next day I played and I did just fine and we won the tournament. My arm was still hurting for another month after that.


   This story is good because it has a lot of detail and has a happy ending. This also tells a true story and maybe people want to hear about something that happened in my life.  Also it is very cool that I was playing soccer in Florida. Therefore this is a good story for me to tell my friends and how I bounced back and still played soccer.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

English blog #3

It surprised me how long this issue was actually going on, at first I didnt think that it was that big of a deal. I didnt know that I had so cite my sources and all that and I didnt know how to do all that and the next time I write a paper I will do this with no problem the next time. I wish I would have known how much this issue meant to people before I wrote this essay. The easiest part of the whole thing was getting all the notes. The hardest part was putting the notes into the essay and chosing which ones would be the best for it. Therefore there are plenty of things that I will change for my next research and it will be way easier.

Wednesdays class

Today we watched some of the video called God Grew Tired of Us. Then we had to take notes during it and I thought the part we saw was very interesting and life changing. The people that came from Sudan were so interested in everything in the US and were so fascinated from the little things which I would be also because they came from a totally different place on the planet. It was very funny to see the reactionsfrom them to everything. Therefore todays class was funny and very laid back. Also it was very

Monday, September 24, 2012


 Today in class  we were taking a test about everything that we have learned so far and i thought it was easy but that might just be because i got everything wrong. Before the test about 3 people asked the same exact question about if this test was going to beon the midquarter. then other people just started asking really stupid questions. Then we started watching a video called God Grew Tired Of us and it was very depressing and told me just to be thankful of my life and be glad to have everything that i do. Also to not take anything for granted in life. THe video was about a bunch of sudanese people who war in the middle of a civil war and they couldnt stay in sudan because it was not safe so they moved to ethiopia and then there government crashed so then they moved to kenya.

Saturday, September 22, 2012


  Today in class we went over everyone elses project then hasnt finished in the class before that. Doori and her group took an extremely long time which is why Dans group had to go through his presentation really fast and i dont think he got to finish. this project was very easy and i really like this class. cant wait for class on monday.

Essay #3

   In order to be successfull in John Carroll i need to follow a few steps like doing my homework the night that it was gave to me and i need to stay focused in order to complete this task. then during all of my free periods i need to get done eating quick so i can study if i have a test or i can do my homework so i wont need to do it at my house and that will give me less work to do. also i need to get help from my teachers whenever i am having trouble so that they can help me. next i need to ask questions and not be nervous or scared to ask questions in front of the other students in my class. Afterthat i need to do as good in class as i do on the soccer field. Therefore i think i will succeed in John

Essay #2

If Elbert Hubbard and Socrates time traveled to the current century i know that they would not be proud of any of us.The only thing that i believe they would be proud of are to Socrates to know that people still learn about his way of life. he would be disappointed to see that people have become very lazy and how half of our population are obese. Elbert Hubbard said that most people now a days and do the least they can to get the most credit that they can. People now are always on the electronics and to easy on themselves instead of going outside to excercise to lose weight. Most people just stay inside all day and they would nould not be proud of them at

Essay #1

Arête is being your own hero and it is about doing the best that you can do in life and you know that you did your best. Socrates demonstrated arête very well by teaching all of his students how to do what Arete always helped people do and has a greek philosopher he taught his students and young children new ways of thinking that would affect the world in so many ways. In some ways that may be good, but not when there are better ways to do things. Questioning was wrong and rude, but Socrates did it anyway because he wanted to learn, he knew that it would be difficult but it did not stop him, because it helped him in the long run and he has now realized that.  I think he realized that since no one else will stand up for his country and do what is right then he should. Therefore he taught many people the correct things to do in Greek and how to get

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

awesome day

Today in class we were doing all of our presentations and before we started we were all in our groups still working on our powerpoints besides my group so Holly and I chose to go first but we couldnt find out why you couldnt get on my powerpoint thing. Then we got half way through our presentation and someone sneezed so Holly got sidetracked and kept talking to someone so i coughed reallt loud to get her attention. Then afterthat Clarke and some other kid went and they didnt have a good presentation like ours. Then we kept messing with them and the Nick kept playing random songs and kept messing with me and i couldnt pay attention. Next we all started talking about a bunch of random stuff and Dan and Matt and I were talking about our countries. Therefore this class was by far the best class we have had this year i believe.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Today in class we were going a little bit over the homework and we were talking about AIDS and how you were never taught about proper sex. So then you told us that you found out on your own. Then Damon asked you a question about if dolphins could get AIDS or something so you said you know what i dont know.... you can look that up for me. So i went along on to google and asked if dolphins could het AIDS and some wierd random website said no. Then you said that people in Africa have like 5-6 babies knowing that a few will die. Then someone said why dont they just have 1 child that they could afford instead of letting some go through the pain of dying. Then at the end of the class we watched a 5 minute long video about technology and a whole bunch of cool facts and you told us to choose 2 and write them in our blog. Therefore these are the two that I chose:
1.China will become the number 1 english speaking country in the world
2.If facebook was a country it would be the most populated after China and Indiaschickhumangeo

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Today in class we were going over all of the homework and the answers we got and you were asking us what we thought was the most important question. Then you were telling us about the 9/11 incident and what you did right when you walked into class that day because there were two students whose family members were missing after this event. After that you were talking about how you told all of your students that this will be a major part of history. Then you said that one kid asked you if you think that this is the start of world war III and you said that you honestly didn’t know at that time. But you gave us all smarties at the end of the class and I kept catching everything that you were throwing at everyone else but me. Therefore it was a sad yet fun class and I thank you for the smarties.

Monday, September 10, 2012

woot woot

1. the population of the U.S is 313,847,465
2. the five largest countries by population are China, India, U.S, Indonesia, and Brazil
3. the population of pakistan is
4. the kind of government that the U.S has is Constitution-based federal republic; strong democratic tradition
5. the unemployment rate in Zimbabwe is 95%
6. the largest country in the world by area is Russia
7. the country with the third greatest number of airports is Mexico
8. the country with the greatest number of exports is China
9.  the country that exports more oil then anyother is Saudi Arabia
10. the country that imports more oil then anyother is the U.S
11. the country that consumes the most oil is the U.S
12. women are allowed to be in combat roles
13. GDP is
14. The country with the most GDP in the world is Liechtenstein with 141,100
15. the U.S is not in the top ten for the most GDP per capita
16. the continent with the highest birthrate is Africa
17. the highest number of deaths from HIV/Aids is Africa
18. the other country that is in the top 10 is India
19. the U.S is 18 in rank of HIV/AIDs death
20. the U.S is third in cellular phones
21. the US percentage of Roman Catholic is 23.9%
22. the percentage of roman catholics in mexico is 76.5%
23. net migration rate is the access of people entering the country
24. the US is not the highest in net migration rate
25. the current population of the entire planet

English post #1

Jake Dengler

August 30, 2012

05 – Hermia


     I have many interesting facts about me read on to find out some of them. I play on the varsity soccer team. Also I play on a club team outside of highschool and my team is ranked the seventh best in the nation. We have competed in a bunch of different states all along the east coast like Florida, New York, Delaware, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. Also we have traveled to Arizona to compete and have been to Michigan three times competing. I have three dogs named Lucky, Raven, and Buddy and I have two brothers, one older and one younger. We live in bowleys quarters on the water and enjoy many water sports. My family also has a house in Florida which we visit a lot. That concludes a few things unique about me.


    A few of my goals for the future is to start on varsity, get straight A’s in school this year, and to not have any missing assignment for English. I would like to start on Varsity being a freshman because not a lot of people have done that. First I need to go 110% every practice we have in order to succeed that goal. Then I would like to get straight A’s this year because I need to prove to  myself that I can do it. But in order to do that I need to strive to give hard work in class just like I would on the soccer field. The reason that I would like to not have any missing assignment in English class is because you said we needed a goal for English and because if I have no missing assignments that raises my chance to get straight A’s. In order to do this I need to get all my stuff turned on time and be done with it the day I get the assignment. Therefore I wanna succeed all my goals this

research topic discussion board

these are  my two discussion board topics from my book
1. sports- soccer was a huge factor in this book because she could go proffesional
2.cancer- i chose this because it was a big part in the book since her dad had

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Today in class we were talking about how to write good notes and you read us a short essay about illinois and were asking us what we wrote down and told us to write a mini essay on what we took notes on. Then you said how some students came back to thank you for teaching then that because most the kids in college dont know how to. Then you told us that what we did today and had trouble with was at a 4th grade level and people still had problems with understanding what to do. When you told us that i felt that we should all feel a little ashamed. Then you told us a lot about your family and the schools that you went to. Which i thought that today in class was pretty fun and interesting. Therefore that sums up our class

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


 Today in class we were talking about our last classes blogs and the vocabulary and where we got all of our answers at. Then someone said that they got the answers from wikipedia and everyone agreed and said that they did also. So then we got into a long talk about wikipedia and you were telling us that you liked it because there are a bunch of different examples to choose from and if we can trust it or not. Then you were going to different websites asking about if its a good source to use or not. Then we were talking about how almost every good resource had a site that they got their answers from. Also we were saying that it matters what it says like .com or .org or .gov. Then we went to the nasa page and I looked at some of the games. Finally we ended our class after looking at the new york times page.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

fun in long class

 Today in class I helped people with making a gmail and a blogger.  I started out with helping Jackson then when I got him all set up I started helping Matt Clarke. But we couldnt figure out what was wrong with him and his computer so we got Dan to help. Then we realized how dan couldnt help so we got Holly to help and then we kinda worked it out somehow. So then when we figured it out Matt had to go get his phone to type in something for the computer. Also we all couldnt stop laughing because Matt was doing everything wrong. Then we were trying to give you coupons for wawa because we didnt want them. Then at the end of class you told us that we will be having fun trying to think of 150 words that we could write about and therefore you were correct. Finally that shows how interesting our class was.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

french fries...

  Today in class you read us an essay about a message to Garcia which was taken place during the Spanish and American war. Which the essay was pretty much telling us that you should always do the right thing no matter who is watching. While you were reading that essay you told us to write down anything we thought was important in the text. Next you were asking how that essay relates to now adays and how people worked back then compared to now. Then you told us about colleges and how this school sets us up for a college basis. Afterthat you were telling us about how there are only a few people that would do something for someone without asking many questions. Then how most people would tell the people who told them to do something that they should just do it instead. Then some people need a good kick in the butt to get working then you showed us on your stool and you kicked it half way across the room. Today in class was very fun and interesting.

Monday, August 27, 2012

First Day At JC

 My first day at John Carroll was the Start to a new beginning. I met a bunch of new people on my first day at John Carroll. My teachers were very nice to me and helped me out a lot expecially when it come down to find my next classroom. Also it was very difficult finding out what my next class was. Then I realized how hard it is going to be to figure out all of my different schedules on different days. I really like how your in the Same advisory for the whole 4 years of high School That will help me make a lot of friends. I like how this School is different then every other and uses computers for Almost everything. Then when the day was over I had soccerpractice So l had to get right outside for soccer practice which is always fun. I think that this school year will be great and interesting.

Jake Dengler

Amazing Day In Class

  Today in class we talked about the school year and what ahead of us. Afterthat you taught us our prayer that we will be doing for now on before our class till the rest of the year. Then we talked about the people who did and did not do there blog. Also we talked about the grading that you will give us upon the work that we do. Then you told us where to find you if we needed help with anything since you are always on the move. Then the people that couldn't set up to you helped us do that so that we would know what to do when we got home. Then we were talking about if we thought that the class was boring or not... which I dont think it was. Then you told the kids who had there computer to play free rice. Therefore I learned how to set up my blogger in todays amazing class.

    Jake Dengler