Tuesday, August 28, 2012

french fries...

  Today in class you read us an essay about a message to Garcia which was taken place during the Spanish and American war. Which the essay was pretty much telling us that you should always do the right thing no matter who is watching. While you were reading that essay you told us to write down anything we thought was important in the text. Next you were asking how that essay relates to now adays and how people worked back then compared to now. Then you told us about colleges and how this school sets us up for a college basis. Afterthat you were telling us about how there are only a few people that would do something for someone without asking many questions. Then how most people would tell the people who told them to do something that they should just do it instead. Then some people need a good kick in the butt to get working then you showed us on your stool and you kicked it half way across the room. Today in class was very fun and interesting.

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