Wednesday, August 29, 2012

fun in long class

 Today in class I helped people with making a gmail and a blogger.  I started out with helping Jackson then when I got him all set up I started helping Matt Clarke. But we couldnt figure out what was wrong with him and his computer so we got Dan to help. Then we realized how dan couldnt help so we got Holly to help and then we kinda worked it out somehow. So then when we figured it out Matt had to go get his phone to type in something for the computer. Also we all couldnt stop laughing because Matt was doing everything wrong. Then we were trying to give you coupons for wawa because we didnt want them. Then at the end of class you told us that we will be having fun trying to think of 150 words that we could write about and therefore you were correct. Finally that shows how interesting our class was.

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