Wednesday, August 29, 2012

fun in long class

 Today in class I helped people with making a gmail and a blogger.  I started out with helping Jackson then when I got him all set up I started helping Matt Clarke. But we couldnt figure out what was wrong with him and his computer so we got Dan to help. Then we realized how dan couldnt help so we got Holly to help and then we kinda worked it out somehow. So then when we figured it out Matt had to go get his phone to type in something for the computer. Also we all couldnt stop laughing because Matt was doing everything wrong. Then we were trying to give you coupons for wawa because we didnt want them. Then at the end of class you told us that we will be having fun trying to think of 150 words that we could write about and therefore you were correct. Finally that shows how interesting our class was.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

french fries...

  Today in class you read us an essay about a message to Garcia which was taken place during the Spanish and American war. Which the essay was pretty much telling us that you should always do the right thing no matter who is watching. While you were reading that essay you told us to write down anything we thought was important in the text. Next you were asking how that essay relates to now adays and how people worked back then compared to now. Then you told us about colleges and how this school sets us up for a college basis. Afterthat you were telling us about how there are only a few people that would do something for someone without asking many questions. Then how most people would tell the people who told them to do something that they should just do it instead. Then some people need a good kick in the butt to get working then you showed us on your stool and you kicked it half way across the room. Today in class was very fun and interesting.

Monday, August 27, 2012

First Day At JC

 My first day at John Carroll was the Start to a new beginning. I met a bunch of new people on my first day at John Carroll. My teachers were very nice to me and helped me out a lot expecially when it come down to find my next classroom. Also it was very difficult finding out what my next class was. Then I realized how hard it is going to be to figure out all of my different schedules on different days. I really like how your in the Same advisory for the whole 4 years of high School That will help me make a lot of friends. I like how this School is different then every other and uses computers for Almost everything. Then when the day was over I had soccerpractice So l had to get right outside for soccer practice which is always fun. I think that this school year will be great and interesting.

Jake Dengler

Amazing Day In Class

  Today in class we talked about the school year and what ahead of us. Afterthat you taught us our prayer that we will be doing for now on before our class till the rest of the year. Then we talked about the people who did and did not do there blog. Also we talked about the grading that you will give us upon the work that we do. Then you told us where to find you if we needed help with anything since you are always on the move. Then the people that couldn't set up to you helped us do that so that we would know what to do when we got home. Then we were talking about if we thought that the class was boring or not... which I dont think it was. Then you told the kids who had there computer to play free rice. Therefore I learned how to set up my blogger in todays amazing class.

    Jake Dengler