Wednesday, November 28, 2012


today in class we continued watching the video and i found it crazy but smart that America would move their big companies over to China so that they dont pay to much for the labor being done. While Americans get paid at last $7 an hour, the chinese people will only do it for $2 a day. Then they take a lot of the products to Walmart to sell which is sold cheaply like the slogan for walmart. A ton of people are trying to change that.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


today in class you were messing with the shadow "Logan" a lot and kept scaring her and it was really funny because she didnt know what to do. Then you told her to get the class quiet and she just looked around like what are you talking about? Then you said that you two were going to get together at night and grade our papers. And she thought that you were really wierd. Afterthat we went over what our homework assignment was gonna be about which you said that we had too choose 2 world leaders and write a 500 word essay on how they interact together which everyone was saying how hard it was gonna be and all that. So that was our class today.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


- Afghanistan achieved independents on August,1 1919 from the United Kingdom.
- Before they had there independents they where controlled by the United Kingdom.
- They were subjects of another country the UK.
- On a map they are in southern Asia next to Pakistan.

- Brazil achieved there independents on September 7 1822 from Portugal.
- It was Portugal cause they controlled it.
- Yes they where to Portugal up till 1822.
- Eastern South America bordering the Atlantic ocean.

- France has no official date of independence.
- They where not controlled by any other country.
- The first people in the country now know as France where the Frankis tribes.
-declared it independence in the 1800's
 -under the control of France one under the US
- Europe

-Declared independence in 1811
-Under control of Gran Colombia
- It is found in South America

-In 1810 they declared independence
-Controlled  by Spain
-Located in North America

United Kingdom
-They have no independence day
- It is found in Europe
Saudi Arabia
-No independence
-It is found in Asia

Monday, November 12, 2012


today in class we went over the test and we came in second for top scores in classes this time and I did pretty bad on it which made me disappointed. Then SINCE IT WAS SHORT THAT TOOK up a bunch of time so then we started talking about the japan and american war and all the bombs. Next we were talking about how we were arguing with our neighbor country, Cuba. After that we were saying how Russia and Us kept trying to make more bombs then the other which seemed never ending. Therefore that was our monday for you.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Today in class we talked quite a bit on the topic last night of the election and how Romneys supporters didnt do anything in anger about the outcome og the election. Next we kept talking about the World Leaders and I said that the Afghanistanian leader can speak with English speaking countries which isnt very good for us. Also Matt said something about another Movie and they didnt even know if it was a cartoon or made up country or anything. Next you and Dan started talking about the Electoral vote and popular vote and I didnt understand one thing of any of that. Therefore today wasnt that interesting of a day and we didnt do much at all. Obama was the first black president to be in service. Barack Hussein Obama is named after his father, Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. (1936-1982). “Barack” means “blessing/blessed/to bless” in Swahili and Semitic languages, and “Hussein” is a Semitic word meaning “good” or “beautiful.” Swahili was Obama Sr.’s native language


Today in class I had another shadow of course and we were going over all of the world leaders in class. Then I had picked a really hard name to pronounce and you made me keep saying the name. Then I had to go to the bathroom so you made my shadow say the name before I could go which didnt take that long. So you finally let me got to the bathroom which made me really happy. So then later I was reading about what his favorite class was and he said that it was humangeo and I was surpised. Therefore our class must have been pretty great.

Monday, November 5, 2012


Mexico - President Enrique Peña Nieto
     - He believes that Mexico needs to expand its economy to create more jobs
    - From the Institutional Revolutionary Party

China - President Hu Jintao

     - He refuses to pressure trading parteners
     - Because of Jintao, China expanded its influences over seas in resource rich developing nations

India - President Pranab Mukherjee 

     - Promises to “protect, defend and preserve” the Indian Constitution
     - Hes the only finance minister to have presented budgets in the pre and post liberalization time periods 

Afghanistan - President Hamid Karzai
     - He was originally a supporter of the Taliban before the death of his father, after the death he campaigned for an anti-Taliban movement
     - He can communicate effectively with English speaking countries

Iran - President Mahmoud Ahmadi-Nejad
     -  He is the main political leader of the Alliance of Builders of Islamic Iran, a coalition of conservative political groups in the country
      - Activist for women's rights

Israel - President Shimon Peres
     - He is a recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize
     - He entered politics after his brother was killed when leading the 1976 mission to rescue of hijacked Israel hostages          
        from Uganda

Germany - Chancellor Angela Merkel
     - In 1990 she joined the Christian Democratic Union political party
    - She was appointed to Helmut Kohl's cabinet as minister for women and youth

United Kingdom - Prime Minister David Cameron
     - He was the head of Britain's Conservative party
     - His mother is Mary Fleur, a retired Justice of the Peace

France - President François Hollande
    - He is a member of the Socialist Party
     - He got a a National Assembly seat in 1988

Brazil - President Dilma Rousseff
     - She is not only the first female president of Brazil, but also the first woman to become Chief of Staff to     
       the President of Brazil
     - She is the first economist to hold office

Venezuela - President Hugo Chavez Frias
     - He sold oil to Cuba
     - He resisted efforts to stop narcotic trafficking in Columbia

Saudi Arabia - King and Prime Minister Abdallah bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud
     -  He was the mayor of Mecca as a young man
     - He disallowed U.S. Iraq War forces to use bases in Saudi Arabia

Post #6 English

The title of the book is Rangers Apprentice
The author of the book is John Flanagan
I started this book in the middle of August and finished last weekend
I read 300 pages
The rate that I will give this book is about a 9
I gave this book the rate 9 because I found it really interesting and my brother told me that I should check it out.  This is what caught me the most into reading this book. Will is an orphan in Castle Redmont.  At age 15, the orphans are expected to either become an apprentice of one of the many masters or go off to work in the fields. I thought that that was interesting that they had to choose their job. That got me guessing as to what Will would pick as his job and as I read on who chooses to be a ranger which I thought was the correct decision for him. Some of his friends picked the other jobs and one ended up becoming a cook ad while reading all of this it was interesting to see how many different jobs there were to choose from. As of right now I am really enjoying this book and I knew that there was no way that I could stop so I had to speed up to finish on time.  So then I read on and I find out that a few of friends join to be rangers also and they have to missions and everything for the job as a ranger. Then he started getting into the secretive stuff which kept me in a whole lot of suspense and I really liked the way that the author did that. The book was about getting higher ranks which Will and his friends are going to do a competition out of this which will make them do even better at practices which really worked. And I can relate to this because I do the same thing with soccer. This book is by far one of the best books that I have ever read and I can’t wait till I get to read the other books to the sequel. The only thing that I didn’t like was that they couldn’t fit the whole story into one book so now I need to start a whole other book which is fine with me. Therefore that is why I gave this book the high rate of a nine out of ten.

world leaders

United States

Constitution-based federal republic

President Barack Obama


Federal Republic

President Enrique Pena Nieto


Communist State

President Hu Jintao


Federal Republic

President Pranab Mukherjee


Islamic Republic

President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Hamid Karzai


Theocratic Republic

President Mahmoud Ahmadi-Nejad


Prime Minister


Parliamentary Democracy

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu

President Shimon Peres


Federal Republic

Chancellor Angela Merkel


Prime Minister

United Kingdom

Prime Minister David Cameron



President François Hollande


Federal Republic

President Dilma Rousseff


Federal Republic

President Hugo Chavez Frias

Saudi Arabia


King and Prime Minister Abdallah bin Abd al-Aziz Al